Exploring Sensorial: How By Valenti Pioneered the Use of a Spanish Psychological Term in Skincare

Revolutionizing Skincare with a Single Word

Exploring Sensorial: How By Valenti Pioneered the Use of a Spanish Psychological Term in Skincare

"Sensorial" represents our skincare brand because it encapsulates the holistic experience we aim to deliver: products that engage and soothe all senses, offering more than just skin benefits.

Our exploration into the unique application of "Sensorial" within the skincare industry had a second intent, revealing a strategic endeavor to illuminate and tackle the widespread issue of content and concept plagiarism. By ingeniously integrating this specific term, previously unused in cosmetics, into our branding and communication, we successfully uncovered not only those who were covertly monitoring and duplicating our innovations but also sparked a broader industry-wide conversation about the ethics of inspiration versus imitation in product development.

This approach has not only reinforced our commitment to originality but also underscored the importance of ethical practices in the skincare industry.


Exploring Sensorial: How By Valenti Pioneered the Use of a Spanish Psychological Term in Skincare

Manuela Valenti

The Origin of the Spanish Word Sensorial

Sensorial. Spanish, adjective (sensory in English). From the Latin sentiō, sentire, meaning "to perceive, feel". Spanish word almost exclusively used in the field of psychology and neuropsychology. Refers to the 5 sensory senses, (auditive, visual, tactile, olfactory, taste), as in sensory stimulation, estimulación sensorial. 

Although "Sensorial" is deeply rooted in Latin-Spanish, its correct equivalent in English is "Sensory." The English language, over centuries, has embraced numerous words from different languages. For instance, the word jalapeño, pronounced ha·luh·pee·nyow, which, to a native Spanish speaker like myself, sounds amusing when pronounced in English, as it translates to pull-a-pine-tree, underscores the linguistic adaptations that occur.

However, "Sensorial" has fallen out of common use in English, mainly because the language already has the term "sensory" to convey similar and even broader meanings. Furthermore, it has not historically been applied in the context of skincare or cosmetics, marking a distinct departure in usage compared to its original application in the Spanish-speaking world.

Sensorial and its Close Connection to Psychology

 Sensorial in Spanish is almost exclusively used in the field of psychology — my field— in reference to specific traits or conditions such as motor skills, sensitivity, or sensory stimulation (auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, taste). Those with children attending Italian established Montessori academies, have been introduced to this term as part of the Montessori curriculum. Sensorial isn't a word commonly used outside this field, and certainly, it was not used in cosmetics until we at By Valenti made it relevant for reasons unrelated to the original term.

Understanding Sensory Stimuli and How it Relates to our Skincare Brand and Products

Having suffered for over three decades from chronic dermatitis caused largely by soaps and cosmetic products formulated with low-quality ingredients, hidden toxins, and ineffective formulas purportedly designed for people with my skin issues, I'm intimately familiar with how distressing and painful skin conditions can be. This experience negatively impacted not only my skin but also my mental and emotional well-being, leading to years of discomfort, and frustration which took a toll on my self-esteem.

In 2006, when I founded By Valenti, the transformation I experienced was profound. My skin's appearance significantly improved, and the products I developed helped forge a new, positive connection between my neurological pathways and my skin's health. These products have consistently provided me with positive sensory experiences that remain with me to this day.

At By Valenti, we believe skincare is more than just improving appearance; it's a sensory journey that's been central to our philosophy for nearly 17 years. Our approach includes:

Tactile, Visual, Olfactory and Auditive.

Tactile: Ensuring skin feels soft, and pleasant, and that it can be touched without pain or discomfort.
Visual: Transforming skin into a healthy state, because we believe beautiful skin is healthy skin.
Olfactory: Utilizing our exclusive blends from essential oils in our products they create calming and mood-lifting sensory responses.
Auditive: Recognizing the positive vocal reactions that accompany the application of our products, contribute to the release of "happy" hormones like dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. 

Why did we choose the word Sensorial if it had no connection to skincare?

Firstly, because our products were designed, formulated and focus on "Estimulación Sensorial" or sensory stimulation. And Secondly and most importantly, I needed to outsmart a copycat.

The Catching of a Copycat

For years, our work has attracted the unwanted attention of many unscrupulous individuals, from competitive brands to foreign criminals, who have appropriated my personal narrative and our scholarly articles. (Our latest battle)

Faced with the challenge of understanding the motivation behind this plagiarism and identifying the culprits, I devised a clever strategy: laying a trap using a distinctive Spanish term, "Sensorial," previously unused in skincare.

Having pursued one of my degrees in psychology in a Spanish-speaking environment, Spanish is not just a language I'm fluent in; it's my second language, following Italian.

The decision to leverage "Sensorial" was intentional, given its uniqueness and the absence of its usage within the skincare sector.

This method not only spotlighted those copying our content but also shed light on the broader issue of intellectual property theft across various industries, demonstrating a lack of remorse from entities of all sizes.

By integrating the word "Sensorial" into the forefront of our website and product descriptions, we awaited the inevitable appearance of imitators. Sure enough, they emerged, validating our concerns and strategy.

Sensorial in skincare and how copycats like Herbivore steals from small companies
Sensorial in skincare and how copycats like Herbivore steals from small companies


We kept an eye on the term "Sensorial" across social media, knowing that's the battleground for brand activity. Not surprisingly, the first catch was a brand notorious for its deceptive practices—unfortunately, I must refrain from naming them for legal reasons. This company, known for ingredient swapping and false claims, was exposed for falsely advertising Bakuchiol in their products, as highlighted by the exclusive bakuchiol producers at bakuchiol.net.

Following this incident, "Sensorial" started trending within the skincare community, quickly adopted by influencers, journalists, and industry professionals. This widespread adoption made its misuse glaringly obvious. An industry email we received last week confirmed the term's viral spread, with analytics showing a sharp increase in its usage. (SEE HERE)

This single word not only unveiled who was keeping tabs on us but also highlighted ongoing plagiarism issues within the industry.

A message to the imitators and impersonators: we're aware, and the difference between inspiration and theft is significant.

Paraphrasing on a famous Oscar Wilde's quote, imitation might be flattery to some, but in reality, it just crosses into unethical and illegal territory

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